Amostras de tecido BoConcept numa cadeira branca, com várias texturas e cores.

Pele ou tecido?

What’s the best choice for you?

Our senses drive us.

So, when it comes to choosing furniture, you’re drawn to both the physical and aesthetic. Imagine then the feeling of luxury that sumptuous leather conjures up. Or the way soft green corduroy is both modern yet vintage.

At BoConcept, our passion is to light up your imagination and create an unforgettable experience. And we know that only occurs when you find your ideal design.

To make that search easier, we’ve put together a short guide, helping you decide which material is best for you.

Sempre bonito

Explore aqui as orientações de cuidados e certifique-se de que o seu mobiliário permanece sempre bonito.

Amostras de materiais

Não se trata apenas de escolher o estofo certo. Trata-se de combinar cores, texturas e design.

Pessoa a examinar amostras de tecido BoConcept numa mesa de madeira, junto a uma chávena de cerâmica.