

奶油色 Carmo 沙发打造极简主义起居室风格,光线透过薄纱窗帘照射进来。


如果您想确保家居装饰不过时,那么选择合适的家具即可在潮流中屹立不倒。这似乎内含玄机,但确实不然!查看以下 5 条贴士,以经典家具打造您的家。


1. 选择耐用材料

在购买家具时,选择考究材质可一劳永逸。尽管刨花板和塑料材质的家居用途广泛,价格实惠,但随着使用时间的累积,它们的表面必然会破损、有刮痕、起泡、剥脱。因此,即使这些单品风格经典,它们也很可能不耐用。相反地,可以考虑用经久耐用的材料制成的家具。这可能包括:- 实木 - 木质贴面 - 玻璃 - 陶瓷 - 金属 - 皮革 这些材料不仅可以承受日常使用,而且实木和皮革等材料会越用越美。虽然它们无可避免会磨损,但这些小小瑕疵会赋予它们更多的个性,让您的装饰更为独特!另外,持久的材料更加环保。优质家具可以使用数十年,而粗制滥造的廉价家具通常在使用几年后就得运往垃圾填埋场。想确保您的家具尽可能长久使用?学会保养家具将延长它们的使用寿命。

2. 寻找久经考验的永恒时尚

尽管丹麦和中世纪现代家具在 20 世纪中期盛行一时,但之后这些单品仍旧受到热捧。缘何如此?它们的简约风格可与各种装饰风格融合。它们可以作为一幅空白画布进行构建。BoConcept 自 1952 年起开始生产丹麦家具,因此我们对这种风格毫不陌生——我们与时俱进,满足不断更新的需求。以下是一些经典单品的搭配元素。







3. 享受您的生活方式

如果一件家具能被频繁使用,那么它自然就会变成“家中原有之物”,并很快成为日常生活的中心点。问问自己:我想要让房间给人以什么印象?呆在房间时想要怎样的感受?例如,如果您喜欢接待亲朋好友,那么优质的可延长餐桌可能是不错的选择。想打造一个放松的空间?选择舒适的休闲椅,如 Athena 斜躺椅。柔软流畅的线条可轻松融入多种装饰风格,而优质面料则确保寿命持久。

舒适的房间内,白色 Athena 休闲椅配备脚凳和木质 Como 书架。

4. Make it personal

Buying furniture based on your personal style is perhaps the easiest way to cultivate a timeless feel. If you a love a piece or it has sentimental value, it will infuse your space with personality—which is always timeless.

Reflect Your History:

Your grandmother’s old sofa may be plastered in outdated florals. But if it has good bones, new upholstery can breathe new life in it. Have a dresser from childhood that needs a little TLC? Fresh paint or a new finish may be all it needs. Not only is this approach environmentally-friendly and budget-conscious, but the memories attached to these pieces are irreplaceable.

Go Custom Made:

It may be a bit more of an investment, but by going custom made you will end up with a piece that is perfectly suited to your style—not just the latest trend.

5. Seek out expert advice

It can be hard to know what we will love a few decades down the road, in a couple of years, or let’s be honest, a few months from now. That’s why it never hurts to get a bit of expert advice when it comes to picking furniture that will stand the test of time. An interior designer can offer tailored guidance on selecting furniture that not only fits your lifestyle and design vision, but pieces that will last through many home makeovers.

Woman on Carmo green sofa using laptop, with brown clothes and wooden side table.

Are trends bad?

Absolutely not! There is nothing wrong with embracing the latest trend if it speaks to you. In fact, timeless furniture isn’t a way to avoid trends—it’s a way to embrace them. Selecting furniture that can evolve with the comings and goings of the latest design crazes will ensure your home always feels fresh and inviting. Not to mention, not constantly changing your furniture out to match the latest style can save you some major money in the long run—and who doesn’t want that!

By incorporating timeless furniture in your home, you are creating a canvas to build any style upon. Whether that means an infusion of art deco, embracing contemporary, or a mix and match of styles you love, timeless furniture is a simple way to ensure your home always looks its best.